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Vitamin D: It's a Big D-eal

When was the last time you had your vitamin D level checked? The role vitamin D plays in optimal health is becoming more and more validated. Levels above 50 ng/ml can help to drastically reduce your risk for cancer and have shown positive outcomes in prevention in autoimmune diseases, diabetes, dementia, and the list goes on. This vitamin can be severely depleted in women following pregnancy and childbirth as the body gives its stores to the baby. Vitamin D is needed in almost every body function and system. Your body’s hormones and immune system need ample vitamin D to function properly and to promote wellness. Vitamin D levels in women hoping to become pregnant should be checked and kept at optimal levels since it can help support a healthy pregnancy and it offers vast benefits for the newborn.

Levels should be checked every 6 - 12 months to insure maintenance of adequate levels. A fabulous website to find great info is Of course, vitamin D can be absorbed from the good old sun, but when we slather on sunscreen, that vitamin D doesn't actually get into the bloodstream. It is difficult to get adequate D through nutrition, so most often, supplementation is needed. Vitamin D is not readily bioavailable in many forms of supplements, so be cautious to find one with research to back up optimal bio-availability.

How do you get vitamin D into your day?
