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Basil Butter

Here's the scoop on one of my favorite summer take-aways - basil butter.  Y'all, it's amazing how somethin' so simple and have me professing love for myself in the dreary, dark days of winter.

Short story:

Soften 2 blocks of Kerry Gold butter, and whip well.

Mix in 2 big handfuls of fresh chopped basil and 1-2 drops of YL Lemon oil.

Separate into 3 parts and wrap each in wax paper. Keep 1 out to use now, put the other 2 in a large Ziplock bag and freeze for later use.

Tastes amazing in eggs, on (gluten-free) bread, and in soups, stews, and casseroles.

The behind-the-scenes info:

Basil is really, really easy to grow. Here in Alabama, we can grow big ol' plants outside from March through October. I would seriously grow Basil just to be able to walk past it in the yard and smell it. Basil has a really fresh, crisp and invigorating aroma and it's a quick pick-me-up any time during the day.  

That said, basil has a really great flavor for so many dishes; it's just a really versatile culinary herb. Additionally, the health benefits of basil include numerous. Ingested, it supports digestive health. Topically, basil soothes tired or sore muscles. 

Basil must be used immediately upon harvesting or the stems placed in a jar of water for up to a week, or it will just wilt.

If you are unable to grow your own basil, I highly recommend the Young Living Basil oil. It's a very concentrated form of the plant. We keep a bottle of Vitality Basil in the kitchen for cooking and I keep another bottle in my office for diffusing during work or school.

Ok, we also need to talk buttah - there's a reason we NEED it and there's a reason we only use Kerry Gold. Go here to see why!

What's one of your favorite summer take-aways???


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