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Back-to-School Shopping and #RaisingGirls

It’s tax-free weekend. You know, that tiny little consolation prize the state of Alabama offers parents in exchange for the torment they experience while toting their little tribe around in preparation for the upcoming school year, all while the heat of 10,000 suns blaze through every cell of their bodies.

As if this weekend isn’t to be dreaded enough, just imagine shopping to appease FOUR little females, ages 11, 9, 9, and 4. I mean, do ya know how hard it is to find clothes that are appropriately modest, “cool,” and that actually fit that painfully awkward tween-ager stage??? Please, slay me now and let it be over!

After the trying on of the 8th pair of jeans, I finally did the last thing I knew to do. I texted their daddy.

For the record, shoe shopping for 4 is NOT the same as shoe shopping for 2. In fact, the multiplier is WAY above 2. Prime example . . .

I asked this child, “What kind of church do you think we go to?”

Another child was actually easy to please.

By the end of the day, I caved and bought myself these cute boots for surviving it all. A girl has to have priorities, right?