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Tip the Scale in Favor of Health

In recent years, the CDC issued a statement that lifestyle changes can reduce up to 40% of deaths from the top 5 leading causes. My experience, personally and professionally, is that the majority of disease in the United States has at least one contributing factor that can be managed when one takes the action to do so. Specifically, each human body has a certain threshold for the stress it encounters, including stresses from nutrition, environment, relationships, structure, and more. Everyone comes into this world at some varying level of stress. The every day circumstances we encounter tip that stress scale one way or another, to ease or dis-ease. When the body has had enough, signs and symptoms of disease present. Additionally, so often, what appear to be signs and symptoms of a disease are actually the body’s NORMAL response to a toxic agent. When we eliminate and limit all of the stress factors we can possibly control, we put the body in the best position to work optimally, as it is designed. Continue allowing stressors into life, and the body will become sicker and sicker. So, then, our daily goal should be to tip the scale in favor of health. ⚖️

Young Living has been a one-stop-shop for so many of my family’s everyday needs. YL does not test products on animals, because any ingredient that may not be safe for human testing is never even considered. Ingredients of synthetic-nature are not used, so the products we use every day, the ones that clean and sit on our skin 24-7-365 are toxin-free and “clean.” When I help friends “ditch and switch” by gradually replacing common everyday household products for safe and therapeutic YL options, we see areas of improved quality of health pretty quickly. 🏆

Y’all, as overwhelming as this process can be as a whole, the baby steps are really super simple.

✅We use Thieves Cleaner for cleaning our WHOLE HOUSE. Yes, 1 cleaner for everything from glass, to toilets, to kitchen counters. Dilute appropriately, it’s 79 cents for a 32 oz spray bottle. By eliminating common bleach-based cleaners from our home, we are supporting respiratory, endocrine, and reproductive systems - all of which are known for being targeted by common cleaners.

✅SLS is the #1 cause of mouth ulcers, yet it is a common ingredient in leading brands of toothpaste. AND, the gums soak that toxin right up into the blood stream! Swap for Thieves Aromabright toothpaste and your body is one step closer to health.

✅Common brands of cosmetics use gluten-fillers and can be the culprit of chronic redness and dryness. Replace makeup with Savvy Minerals and enjoy a beautiful, high-performing make-up that actually soothes your skin.

Whether it’s today or in the future that you decide to incorporate Young Living into your home, I hope you’ll think of me. I’d be honored to help you change the path of health for your family and generations to come.