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Summer Breezy Easy Cooking

Summer Breezy Easy Cooking

I don’t know about you folks, but my family loves the simplicity of summertime. When daddy gets home from work, we enjoy spending every minute outdoors, and no one wants to cook dinner in this Alabama heat! We get creative with what we can throw on the fire and sometimes eat straight off the grill. I want to share with you a quick meal we recently made with very little prep time and the only dish to wash was the grilling tray that held the veggies. Since I enjoy sharing ideas for healthy eating on a budget, I will also share where we got our veggies and meat.


Pack of 4 Chicken Thighs-organic (from Costco)

Oil-Infused Cooking Salts- ¾ T. Redmond’s Real Salt, 1 drop of each Lemon, Rosemary and Thyme (made at home with Young Living essential oils)

Green beans- organic (from Costco)

Red bell pepper- no pesticides (farmers market)

Mushrooms- no pesticides (farmers market)

Onion (from Costco)

Basil (from our garden)


Rinse and place veggies on a tray: Red bell pepper first, topped with onions, mushrooms with some fresh basil leaves, and finally, green beans on top.

Sprinkle with pinch of oil-infused cooking salts. 

Place chicken thighs on grill and sprinkle heavily with oil-infused cooking salts.

Play kickball while dinner cooks! 

What is your favorite simple summer-time meal?