B vitamins are some of the MOST important nutrients for all, but some studies indicate that roughly 40% of Americans are deficient. No wonder we’re a nation of fatigued, foggy-thinking citizens. Don’t worry, Young Living is here to help!
Based on the number of recent school exposure notices, I'm gonna say it's pretty fair to suggest that if you've left home in the past week, you've likely been exposed.
Here we are on Sugar Detox Day 5. You may be thinking, “I can’t do this by myself. I need some help.” Here are some of my favorite products for supporting all.the.things. when you are detoxing the body of certain nutritional disruptors, addressing targeted health needs, or simply slimming down.
Everyone comes into this world at some varying level of stress. The every day circumstances we encounter tip that stress scale one way or another, to ease or dis-ease.